Name: Helen Gore
The British Ski Academy is affiliated to Snowsport England (SE) and complies fully with SE’s SnowSafe Policy, a copy of which is available below. The Club has procedures in place to ensure that all members are treated equitably and cared for whilst involved in the Club’s training activities. If you or your athlete has a safeguarding related matter you wish to discuss please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Welfare Officer. The Welfare Officer’s role is to safeguard members so they have a positive and rewarding experience.
Snowsport England SnowSafe Adults Policy
Snowsport England SnowSafe Childrens Policy
2024-SnowSafe-Toolkit– Information, guidance and templates for clubs to help create a safe and positive environment for all children and young people
SnowSafe Adults Procedures – Safeguarding Adults’ Procedures
Information for Children Young People and Parents
Photography and filming Best practice guidance
British Ski Academy Constitution